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GP | French fries are always in fashion - how to use this simple dish

French fries, who doesn't like them? It's simple, nutritious, tasty and unfortunately - unhealthy dish comes from Belgium, where potatoes, cut into so-called sticks, were fried in deep beef…
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GP | Industrial washing machine - technical data and energy efficiency

Industrial devices are devices that are designed to provide enormous opportunities related to the processing or performance of specific tasks. A device from the industrial category is to be…
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GP | Industrial and electric power steering gear - parameters, possibilities and savings

Each device of an industrial nature is a device that is designed and made for continuous operation. These devices are supposed to earn for themselves, sometimes they are devices that constitute…
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GP | Industrial dryer - is it worth investing in and how to use it?

Each professional laundry, whether in-house, hotel or service, consists of a number of devices whose joint operation is to enable the efficient operation of the entire laundry.
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GP | Convection steam oven in professional gastronomy - why is it worth it

How is the success of a restaurant measured? Money, satisfied guests, time spent on the market, regular customers? In part, the result of success is all of the above elements, and this success…
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GP | Planetary mixer in professional gastronomy

Modern technology also has a strong influence on professional gastronomy. Modern devices, machines, equipment, dishes and even cutlery allow you to prepare dishes better, faster and without…
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GP | Refrigerated display case - aesthetic, safe and convenient to use

Professional gastronomy requires the use of professional and modern equipment. Modern equipment ensures freshness, convenience of preparation, thermal processing and food storage.
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GP | Toaster for casseroles, sandwiches and pizzerias - great possibilities and a wide selection

Zapiekanka is the only and probably the oldest Polish fast food. Its popularity is due to the simplicity of preparation, a small amount of ingredients, a taste that is recognizable all over…
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GP | Stainless steel furniture - in professional gastronomy and the food industry

Stainless steel is a mixture of carbon and iron and more chromium. In addition, there are other metals there, in trace amounts. The large amount of chromium makes the stainless steel completely…
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