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Butcher shop equipment

The meat industry is a difficult piece of bread. Thousands of regulations, fortifications, rules for breeding, handling, storage, transport and many other issues that require constant control and attention. Thanks to our products, meat processing and sales entrepreneurs have tools at their disposal to help them deal with everyday challenges.

Comprehensive equipment for a butcher's shop

GastroProdukt Professional is a market leader in equipment for professional gastronomy. The furniture and devices presented at GastroProdukt.pl set standards in the entire industry. We help thousands of establishments and companies in the catering industry achieve their goals, serve even better dishes faster, more confidently and easier than ever. We encourage you to delve into the catalog of hundreds of reliable furniture and devices for companies from the catering industry, in which you will also find equipment for a butcher shop.

From rotating to display – butcher shop equipment from A to Z 

On the GastroProdukt.pl website you can buy all the necessary equipment for a butcher's shop. Bone saws, sausage cutters or meat grinders, convection steam ovens or vacuum packers, shelves, display cases and cooling counters. We have also not forgotten about choppers and knife sterilizers and many other articles available in this category. We focus on diversity, because we are well aware that the equipment of a butcher's shop consists of many elements that should form a harmonious whole. Well-chosen links can create a chain that will ensure proper storage, preparation, cutting and display of meat. Each of these parts is equally important. Therefore, if you want to purchase equipment for a butcher's shop ideally suited to the size of the premises and its needs, we encourage you to contact our customer service department. They are experienced specialists ready to provide all necessary information. Equipping a butcher's shop is a big investment, so before buying selected devices, it is worth consulting your choice with experts in the field of gastronomic equipment.


Jaki okap gastronomiczny wybrać?

Okap gastronomiczny to profesjonalny sprzęt, przystosowany do pracy w wymagających warunkach. Pomaga pozbyć się oparów oraz nieprzyjemnych zapachów, ułatwiając pracę w kuchni.…
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Jak wybrać sprzęt do lokalu z kebabem?

Kebab jest jednym z najpopularniejszych fastfoodów w Polsce. Do przygotowania tego wschodniego przysmaku potrzebny jest specjalistyczny sprzęt. Jeśli ma być wydajny…
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Na co zwrócić uwagę przy wyborze mebli do kuchni gastronomicznej?

Ważnym wyposażeniem kuchni są nie tylko urządzenia, takie jak piece czy chłodziarki. Odpowiednie warunki pracy w dużej mierze można stworzyć z pomocą odpowiednich stołów i szaf,…
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