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Equipment for pastry shops and cafes

High-quality equipment for confectioneries and cafes , which will certainly help you increase the quality of services offered by you, can be found in our store. In case of problems with the selection of the right equipment for your confectionery, please contact us, we will be happy to help you choose the best solution.


With each year in Poland, coffee shops are gaining considerable popularity. A good cafe is associated with delicious and aromatic coffee, the possibility of trying a delicious cookie or something sweet.

When running a café, it is necessary to equip this place with appropriate equipment and accessories that will allow you to serve tasty and aromatic products and thus compete with other establishments of this type.

In order to meet the expectations of our customers, we have prepared a very extensive offer addressed to cafe owners. The offer has been prepared in such a way as to ensure access to the necessary machines, devices and other elements of equipment.


Professional machines and devices for cafes

At GastroProdukt, we attach great importance to ensuring that our offer includes only professional equipment for gastronomy. In order to meet the expectations of our customers and meet their requirements, we have been making a selection for years to choose the right equipment and machines. It is no different in the case of those designed for all types of cafes. Our offer includes:

  • coffee makers
  • bakery ovens,
  • convection ovens ,
  • blenders and bar machines,
  • ice cube machines,
  • ice cream conservators,
  • equipment for the production of whipped cream,
  • chocolate makers,
  • refrigerated cabinets for food storage.

Top-class coffee shop equipment comes exclusively from a manufacturer with many years of experience and knowledge necessary to produce reliable and efficient equipment and fittings.


Coffee shop accessories and equipment

Running a coffee shop with success comes with striving for perfection. Coffee must be tasty and aromatic, and the dough and other sweet pastries must be fresh.To make it so, it is worth taking advantage of the GastroProdukt offer, which includes not only machines and devices, but also additional equipment coffee shops , including:

  • confectionery displays for displaying cakes and sweets,
  • coffee grinders,
  • special ice litter boxes,
  • cabinets and bakery tables.

Such an offer will provide access to the best products at attractive prices. Our advisers will help you in the selection and proper use of each equipment and devices.


Co to jest bemar, jak działa i do czego służy?

Bemar to urządzenie kuchenne, wykorzystywane do podgrzewania potraw, aby utrzymać pożądaną temperaturę serwowanych dań. Powszechnie wykorzystuje się je w gastronomii – w bufetach,…
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Zastosowanie taboretów gastronomicznych

Taborety gastronomiczne stanowią ważny element wyposażenia profesjonalnych kuchni i innych miejsc związanych z gastronomią. Istnieją różne modele, które różnią się…
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Rodzaje stali nierdzewnej i jej zastosowanie w gastronomii

Stal nierdzewna w swoim składzie zawiera co najmniej 10,5% chromu, ale ma różny skład chemiczny, przez co wyróżniamy jej kilka rodzajów. Do czego wykorzystuje się stal…
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