The catering industry has always been the one that required perfect cleanliness and hygiene. This was due not only to the regulations, which are very strict and which clearly define what standards have to be met, but it was also due to the perception of the restaurant by customers, its subsequent possibilities and status among customers. The impeccable cleanliness of surfaces, furniture, floors, walls, as well as perfect order in the kitchen are one thing. However, it is also important that the dishes, pots, cutlery and plates are clean, not only because of the image, but also because of the customer's safety.

Hood type dishwasher, specialized dishwashers for pots and trays, as well as other equipment such as a gastronomic steamer, all of these should be included in the kitchen facilities and the kitchen to ensure perfect cleanliness and sterility of both the dishes on which the customer eats a meal, as well as the cleanliness of the pots, trays and all utensils on which meals are prepared.

We will try to present how it works and how to use specialized washing equipment in this article.

GP | Gastronomic steaming machine and dishwasher - differences and similarities


The gastronomic steamer is one of the less known devices, even in professional gastronomy. In the case of professional gastronomy, gastronomic or hood type dishwashers are used more often, as well as special dishwashers for pots and trays. Meanwhile, a gastronomic steamer is, from the perspective of maintaining perfect hygiene, an extremely important and very useful device in the back of the kitchen.

The basic differences between the steamer and a classic dishwasher are primarily the operating temperature. A gastronomic steamer, it can heat water to a temperature close to 100 degrees, so that pots, dishes or trays are not washed but just scalded. Almost one hundred percent efficiency in the elimination of bacteria and viruses, makes the gastronomic steamer, perfect for eliminating not only heavily burnt fat, but also surfaces where it is important to get rid of all bacteria.

Meanwhile, dishwashers are designed to heat the water to a maximum of 70 degrees Celsius, and then wash off the dirt. In terms of washing, the operation of both steamers and dishwashers is similar, but the most important thing is that these devices are not mutually exclusive, but rather complement each other perfectly when the dishes are transferred to the steamer after using the dishwasher.

GP | Cleanliness and disinfection of dishes, pots and trays


Why is it so important to ensure cleanliness and full disinfection in professional gastronomy? Research shows that most poisoning and poisoning problems result not from eating a stale product, as it is closely guarded in restaurants, but from the fact that bacteria arise in unwashed pots and dishes. The dishwasher is not always able to cope with such a problem, which is why gastronomic steamers are used in these cases. The ideal way to clean and disinfected pots and dishes is:

  • pre-washing them in a dishwasher, for example in a hood type dishwasher,
  • steaming them in a gastronomic steamer,
  • drying them in a special dryer.
  • In this way, the dishes will not only be perfectly clean but also fully disinfected.

The risk of poisoning by restaurant guests is enormous, keeping the expiry date of the products is not enough. It is important to ensure complete disinfection. gastronomic steamer