Depending on its type and processing, food deteriorates faster or slower. When we look at processed food or not, available in the store, we immediately see how much importance the producers attach to its packaging. This applies both to the appearance of the packaging, but also to the impact of this packaging on the convenience of transport and keeping it fresh.

A certain sensation is vacuum packaging, i.e. using a special machine that completely sucks oxygen from the packaging, i.e. from a special, sealed foil bag. Such a packaging system means that the food is not exposed to bacteria and moisture, which prevents some bacteria and fungi from developing on it. The vacuum packing machine is used not only in food production companies, but also in gastronomy and even in food trade. We will therefore discuss the advantages and disadvantages of vacuum packaging in this article.

GP | Vacuum packing - what it is and how it works

A vacuum packing machine is a device which, using a special pump, sucks all the oxygen from the inside of the package during the sealing process. In fact, it works in such a way that when the air is sucked out, the foil grips the product and when the welding machine is applied it is welded.

The packaging is then vacuum, which means that aerobic bacteria and fungi cannot develop in it, which can cause:


  • faster spoilage of food products,
  • unpleasant smell of food products,
  • formation of mold and harmful substances on products,
  • food spoilage very quickly.

Vacuum packing is therefore an operation that is intended to extend the shelf life of food products, but it is not a process that is sufficient for this in itself. Vacuum-packed products must still be stored in a cool and dark place, for example in a refrigerator, and in the case of smoked products in appropriate, preferably cooled special compartments.

GP | Vacuum packing - for health, convenience of storage and transport

Vacuum packing is done in order to extend the shelf life, easier storage of food products and transportation. Most often, food products break down during transport, because the surrounding temperature changes, which favors the formation of more bacteria, fungi and microorganisms. For this reason, food that is transported at unstable temperature deteriorates several times faster. Vacuum packing machine prevents this from happening. Food, vacuum-packed, despite temperature changes, is not exposed to bacteria and fungi, which need a large amount of oxygen to develop.

Vacuum packing also helps to store food. Conveniently packaged cold meats, fish, smoked products, cheeses, as well as ready-made meals can be stored in the refrigerator or even frozen without any problem. There is a reason why professional restaurants, catering and catering companies invest in vacuum packing machines. This significantly facilitates the transport and storage of food, generates savings as semi-finished products and finished products deteriorate more slowly, and also helps to keep order, which is very important in a gastronomic kitchen, freezer or cold store.

Vacuum packing machine