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Vacuum packing machine

  • 1 (Present)

Harvest packing machine - Pack freshness for a long time – professional vacuum packers

We love to incorporate new technologies and innovative solutions into everyday use. Thanks to significant advances in many areas of science and technology, tedious activities become fun and fun. It is no different in the gastro industry. Designers, using better and better quality materials, created more solid, slightly lighter, easier to use stoves, pots and other tools. These changes took tens, if not hundreds of years. In the 21st century, the process of kitchen evolution has significantly accelerated. In the industry, discoveries are made almost every day, more or less groundbreaking, significantly improving the quality of work. For ten years now, we have been introducing the latest technological achievements to the kitchens throughout Poland and not only, speeding up and facilitating the preparation of meals, as well as their storage. In this category you can purchase efficient and extremely versatile vacuum packers . They are perfect for catering facilities, if we want to keep the taste and aroma of dishes for longer or prepare food for the Sous Vide method.


Vacuum packing machine - Vacuum packing is a very cost effective procedure for preserving perishable food.

There are two basic steps that a vacuum packer does: the first phase is air inlet and the second is sealing the packing bag.

Although the mechanism is particularly intuitive, modern vacuum packers offer a wide range of functions that allow you to fully customize the use of this product.


The cereal packer is perfect for all those who want to test the aroma and aroma of real food, which thanks to this packaging process does not lose any of its nutritional properties.

Food packaging is undoubtedly one of the most efficient and safe processes for storing food products. For this reason, the cultivator is an indispensable tool for those who want to pay attention to what they put on their plate.

In everyday life, cleaning operations are one of the fundamental aspects. Their simplicity significantly affects the relationship we have with the packaging machine itself. Therefore, selecting a feed packer that is easy to clean is definitely an advantage.


Crumbler packing machine - High power in a compact package

Professional food packaging machine from GastroProdukt Professional can be used wherever there is a need for tight, durable blasting packaging. As with any other device for professional use in gastronomy, the vacuum packers are made of high-quality materials. In this case, durable plastics and reliable stainless steel are at stake, the GastroProdukt industrial packaging machine is about quality and durability. Simple operation makes even beginners in culinary arts become an experienced user in no time. A clear dial gauge and a convenient to use microprocessor controller allow full control over the device, and facilities such as automatic start of the packaging cycle by closing the lid significantly speed up the entire process. With professional vacuum packers at your disposal, packing will become one of the most pleasant activities in the catering back-office. Packer machine  - only with GP Professional. 


GastroProdukt Professional vacuum packer - How to use vacuum packer?

The blessing machine is used for blessing foodstuffs. During operation, the vacuum packing machine saturates the air from the appropriate vacum bag. Therefore, packaged food in this way retains its freshness, taste and aroma for a long time. For 100% satisfaction with the blister packer, make sure the food product you want to blister pack is fresh enough. The blister packer is an essential sous-vide cooking device. Before cooking food products at low temperatures, the product is first vacuo-packed. In this way, we can get a unique taste and all vitamin values.


Vacuum packing machine - What can we pack in a chamber packing machine?

The chamber packing machine can be used for packing various types of food. Works great with meat and fish. We can also pack dairy products and cheeses with a vacuum packer. The packaging machine can also pack liquid products such as soups or sauces, without any problem they will stay fresh longer and more intense flavor. The chamber packing machine can be used for packing fruit, vegetables, mushrooms etc.


Chamber packing machine GastroProdukt Professional - How does the harvesting machine work?

Always remember that you must first choose the correct size of the vacuum bags in which we will pack your food in a vacuum packer. Place the product in the bag, then set the time and temperature of the vacuum packer, and then place the bag in the chamber of the device. You have to make sure that the bag fits correctly on the heating tape in the packing chamber. The pruning process takes literally several dozen seconds. After hearing the end of the packing process, you can take the bag out of the packing machine more quickly and check that the product has been packed well and that the seal is properly sealed.


Combine packer - What should you pay attention to before buying a chamber packer?

GastroProdukt Professional offers a wide range of chamber packaging machines. The smaller models of beam packers are suitable for use when you want to pack in mixed mode occasionally. Both table models and floor packers, their work process is automatic and very easy to use. Before purchasing a GastroProdukt Professional vacuum packer, it is worth checking how often the packing machine will run. A very important aspect is the size of the machine and its efficiency of the vacuum pump, as these details determine which packer is ; you need harvest time in your business.


Vacuum Packer - Proper Cleaning of the Vacuum Packer

Regular maintenance of your vacuum packer is a basic process to extend the life of your machine. Oil change is required at least twice a year and the condition of the heating bar is regularly checked with the vacuum packer. Vacuum packers should be cleaned with a damp cloth and washing up liquid.


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