Meat is a very important part of the human diet. Despite the fact that we gradually move away from eating meat, it is still one of the most-consumed foods. Proper meat preparation is not only marinade or spices. It is primarily mechanical pre-treatment. Skilful quartering, cutting, preparing pieces of meat that will be tasty. Separating the fat, the decision to keep or separate the bones from the meat, all affect the flavor of the meat and the whole dish.
The mechanical processing of meat begins during the cutting phase of the meat. A good butcher knows how to prepare and pre-treat meat. He is assisted by appropriate equipment, such as a bone saw, specialized butcher's knives, as well as other devices for precise, mechanical processing of meat.
GP | Preparation of meat for heat treatment
The heat treatment of meat is crucial for its taste, consistency and, consequently, the overall taste of the dish. However, in order for the meat to be cooked properly, the meat tastes good and at the same time it is possible to bake, fry or cook it properly, prior mechanical processing is necessary.
The very preparation of meat for heat treatment is based on:
- division of animal carcass, contrary to appearances, it is a responsible and difficult task. You need to know where and how to cut the meat, where to leave the piece of meat with the bone, and where to separate the piece from the bone. Where the bone saw will allow you to conveniently cut the carcass,
- division of ready-made meat elements, here it is necessary to know how to cut meat, how to cut fibers, etc.,
- preparation of steaks or cutlets, including the help of special devices that allow you to prepare meat for marinating and subsequent processing.
GP | Cooking, baking, frying, i.e. thermal processing of meat
Once the pieces of meat have been properly prepared for heat treatment, one more step must be taken. The meat should be marinated. It is about allowing spices and herbs to penetrate inside the meat, giving them a more human-friendly taste and smell.
After the meat is marinated and seasoned, it is time to heat it. Only an experienced chef knows what the perfect meat should look like for a given heat treatment process. In some cases the steak has to be thicker, in others thinner, sometimes it is better to prepare the meat on the bone, and sometimes to separate the bone beforehand.
Heat treatment of meat is the final stage, very important, but it is equally important to properly prepare it for this treatment. Tasty meat, one that retains its nutrients, is meat that is prepared in such a way that the person who eats it can feel the depth of its taste.
To prepare meat in this way, you need experience, knowledge and hours of work. Therefore, in professional gastronomy it is very important to use appropriate devices, such as a bone saw, special electric choppers and the like.
Bone saw