The fashion for healthy eating is the result of the growing awareness of consumers, which awareness results not only from concern for one's health, but also from concern for the entire natural environment. Eating healthy is food that focuses on vegetables, fruit and natural products. Important in the preparation of healthy food is the correct thermal processing so as not to deprive the food of the nutrients that are found in natural products. Proper heat treatment, with precisely determined temperature, humidity and rotational time, is possible in combi steamers.
GP | Convection steam oven in every restaurant
The combi steamer is a stove that provides the possibility of thermal processing in a very precise manner. Precision here means:
- comprehensive temperature setting, so that the rotation of the barrel takes place at a very strictly defined temperature,
- humidity setting, as the convection oven also allows you to cook with steam,
- cooking, baking and blanching at very low temperatures, thus preserving excellent taste values,
- cooking and baking with steam, maintaining the right pressure and temperature.
The above aspects make the oven combi steamer very popular, especially in professional gastronomy, because it is in good restaurants that people expect tasty meals , healthy and nutritious. When deciding to buy restaurant equipment, it is worth considering the purchase of this type of oven or even several. It is an investment that will surely pay off, giving you the opportunity to prepare delicious and tasty vegetables, meats and other dishes that will taste great for restaurant guests.
GP | Convection oven – advantages and opportunities
Since we are discussing what the restaurant gains by buying a combi steamer , it is worth paying attention to the advantages of having such an oven and the possibilities. Both of them will be appreciated by any good chef who knows how to serve cooked or baked vegetables, and how to prepare meat to enhance its flavor.
The convection oven has many advantages, the most important of which is the ability to:
- very precise setting of the final temperature and its rate of increase,
- steaming, which makes the food very juicy,
- blanching,
- baking and cooking at very low temperatures, which in the case of vegetables preserves all their nutrients,
- cooking meats very slowly, keeping the flavor, juiciness and texture that the client wants.
The convection oven offers great opportunities for the preparation of specific dishes. This applies especially to dishes consisting of meat and vegetables, ensuring their crispness, delicacy and unchanged taste, as well as maintaining all nutritional values.
The convection steam oven is slowly becoming a standard equipment for every kitchen in a professional gastronomic establishment. The above-mentioned advantages and possibilities make it a device that simply pays for itself quickly, both through customer satisfaction and the gastronomic development of the restaurant itself.
Buy the GastroProdukt Professional combi steamer at