In the age of the Internet, every hotel, guesthouse or even a small agritourism farm is exposed to the opinions of its guests and customers. The same is the case with restaurants and eateries. How to take care of the client so that he is not only satisfied, but also willing to leave an opinion? As the statistics show, cleanliness is of key importance for guests of restaurants or places to stay. Clean and fragrant bedding and a bed are a must.

GP | Electric mangle | Bed linen - washing and disinfection
When it comes to the comfort of sleeping outside your home, for 90% of us, the key is clean linen, a clean and comfortable bed. This guarantees a sense of comfort in the hotel and no other aspect is so important for guests of a hotel, guesthouse or any accommodation.

Therefore, if the hotel owners want the bedding to be clean, fragrant and, above all, properly disinfected, it is necessary to wash it properly, then dry it and iron it. Necessary elements in a hotel laundry are:

  • industrial washing machine, which often has to wash several hundred kilograms of laundry a day,
  • dryer, responsible for drying and disinfection,
  • electric or industrial mangle, preferably with a heating function.

Washing bedding does not have to be done at high temperatures, if the hotel laundry is provided with an appropriate dryer and an electric mangle that mangle at high temperature. The dryer itself is not only responsible for drying, but also for disinfection. The industrial ironer, if it has a heating function, is also responsible not only for ironing, but also for disinfection, which is crucial.

GP | Industrial mangle | Tablecloths and curtains - how to wash them so as not to damage them
In addition to the tons of bedding that are washed in hotel laundries every day, hotels, guesthouses and other companies providing hotel services have a basic problem. It is, of course, the washing of delicate fabrics. We do not write here about clothes and the like, but fabrics such as curtains, curtains, tablecloths or napkins, i.e. very delicate fabrics.

With such materials, the washing itself must take place at relatively low temperatures. However, guests wish for perfect cleanliness and freshness. A good dryer will help in this, which allows you to dry such fabrics at temperatures above 60 degrees Celsius. But that's not all. Tablecloths, napkins, curtains and curtains, if they are to be clean, fresh and impeccable, should be thoroughly ironed. Here again, the laundry equipment comes into play, where there must be both a good washing machine, an effective dryer, and a functional electric mangle.


Electric mangle | Industrial mangle