In a professional laundry, both service and industrial, as well as operating directly at the workplace, hotel or restaurant, it is important not only to wash, but also to iron washed clothes, materials and fabrics. This can be done with a hand-held iron, which takes hours, even with a small amount of laundry. However, it can be done with the use of specialized equipment, including an electric mangle, special ironing machines or ironing tables. This will significantly speed up all the work
We will try to provide a comprehensive description of the basic parameters of ironing devices and their application in this article. So that their later purchase and selection would be easier.
GP | Ironing equipment parameters - what to pay attention to
An electric ironer or an electric ironer always have specific parameters. Just like a refrigerator, oven or washing machine, we select them based on these parameters, so that we can provide ourselves with the best possible equipment that meets our needs. It is no different in the case of ironing equipment. Here, the parameters are actually much more important, mainly due to the fact that it is equipment for professional and industrial use. Often working 24/7 under full load.
As for the technical parameters of professional ironing devices, they consist of four types of parameters:
- parameters for the application and use of the device,
- parameters related to power and electricity consumption,
- operating parameters and functioning of the device,
- parameters related to the connection of the device as well as its dimensions and mass.
When it comes to the use of devices such as an electric mangle, the manufacturer provides general information whether the device is aimed at the hotel and catering industry, home applications, industrial sector or maybe it is a very universal device and can be widely used as equipment for a laundry service. Specifying the parameters for the application and intended use of the device by the manufacturer, of course in the initial scope, greatly facilitates the selection of devices.
Initial application parameters are closely related to the operating parameters and functionality of the equipment. Always choose the device by comparing your expectations to the technical capabilities of the device. In this way, the hardware selection process will be significantly accelerated, and will also increase efficiency, because that's what it's all about.
Contrary to appearances, the parameters of power and electricity consumption as well as ergonomic parameters of the device, i.e. its size, weight, and the connection method are also very important. Not every type of device can be used everywhere, it is not possible to connect a given device everywhere, for example without rebuilding the electrical or hydraulic system. Hence, it is so important to choose the device so that it meets not only the functionality and demand for a function, but also that it can be easily installed.
GP | Ironing equipment and its application
The electric mangle, specialized ironing tables and any other ironing equipment have, on the one hand, various applications, and, on the other hand, it is often dedicated to a given sector.
Specialized ironing equipment is used in laundries operating in the following sectors:
- hotel and catering facilities, where the electric mangle is an indispensable device,
- social facilities, such as nursing homes, retirement homes, nursing homes, night shelters,
- workplaces and companies supplying clothes to workplaces,
- service, i.e. in all types of service laundries,
- home, i.e. they can be used at home, for example, with a large family, professional ironing equipment is necessary,
- the aviation and maritime industries, where there is a lot of washing and ironing, and the materials are very diverse.
The use of ironing equipment is therefore enormous. The electric mangle, ironing table, specialized finishers are widely used and significantly accelerate the process of washing and preparing clothes or fabrics for reuse. All you need to do is select the devices in terms of parameters and capabilities and you can speed up the process by up to 30%
Electric mangle