The convection oven is a device that was created in the 20th century, and its invention was the result of the growing demand for professional solutions in gastronomy. The convection oven was intended to be used for effective thermal processing of various meals, while maintaining constant temperature control and air exchange. The use of fans and air filtering prevented the smells from diffusing into each other's various dishes placed on individual "floors" of the oven.
GP | Convection and convection steam oven - differences
The convection oven was the predecessor of the constantly modernized convection steam oven. Today, these two furnaces can essentially function side by side and their functions complement each other. The convection oven, as the name suggests, uses the phenomenon of convection, which is nothing else than the phenomenon of introducing warm air with the help of fans and aspirators. This means that the air is on the one hand "fed" into the chamber through special fans, and on the other hand taken. This solution allows, first of all:
- evenly heating the food until a satisfactory effect is achieved,
- no transfer of aromas between the various levels of the oven,
- thanks to which the aroma of the food from the lower shelf does not mix with that of the higher shelf, even and faster baking of the dish,
The main difference in the operation of a convection oven and a convection-steam oven is that the latter also offers the possibility of steaming, cooking and blanching with steam. So it allows you to control not only the temperature, but also the level of humidity inside the chamber, which is important.
GP | Advantages of a convection oven The convection oven is a relatively modern device.
The technology used in it is innovative technology, which makes many chefs eagerly reach for this device as a new solution in the kitchen. The advantages of a convection oven include:
- the possibility of subjecting the dishes to a very quick heat treatment, preserving their taste and appropriate consistency,
- the possibility of preparing dishes at the same time in one chamber, thanks to the horizontal air movement,
- the possibility of baking at low and high temperatures, the possibility of thermal treatment, while maintaining the appropriate temperature and control of this temperature.
The great advantage of a convection oven is that this oven significantly speeds up all work in the kitchen. Thanks to it, it is possible to prepare several dishes at the same time, without fear that the taste and smell of these dishes will start to permeate. For the chef, both speeding up the preparation as well as preserving the taste and aroma of the dishes is crucial for the functioning of the kitchen.
Convection oven