A gastronomic kitchen, a device that resembles the well-known cooker with an oven.
It reminds us, because industrial gastronomic kitchens are devices for professional use, necessary in:
- restaurants,
- small and medium-sized eateries,
- eateries and canteens,
- hospital, school and kindergarten kitchens,
- wherever there is a need for cooking, baking, frying and any thermal processing of dishes.
A gastronomic kitchen is most often a combination of a multi-burner cooker with a specialized oven, grill or convection oven. This combination enables convenient cooking, frying and baking.
What distinguishes industrial gastronomic cuisine from the one in our homes? Certainly the power, the burners themselves are much larger, the oven power is much more effective. Certainly the appearance, industrial gastronomic kitchens are most often made of raw stainless steel and certainly the structure itself, which most often rests on straight legs, while household cookers are elegantly enclosed.
GP | Catering kitchen - types of gastronomic kitchens and possible uses
A gastronomic kitchen is a device that consists of:
- a hob, most often gas, but it can also be an induction hob or simply an electric one,
- oven or convection oven or grill.
The gastronomic cuisine is divided into several different types. Most often, this division concerns the power source, because a gastronomic kitchen can be powered by:
- electricity, which is directly converted into heat,
- electricity, which becomes a source of heat thanks to induction,
- gas - the most common form of gas cookers.
In addition, in professional gastronomy, there are also standing cookers, free-standing cookers, kitchens with a built-in oven, convection oven or grill, as well as the hobs themselves. In the case of restaurants or eateries, the most functional seems to be a free-standing gastronomic kitchen with an oven or convection oven. Of course, the cheapest source of power is gas, but in some cases it is more convenient to supply the gastronomic kitchen with electricity.
GP | Gastronomy kitchen - necessary for the functioning of professional gastronomy
A gastronomic kitchen is a device that, next to a refrigerator and a sink, is the third basic element of kitchen equipment in a restaurant. Depending on the size of the premises and the number of dishes served on a daily basis, most establishments have two or even three such cookers. As for their size, the 6-burner gastronomic kitchen is most often used in professional gastronomy.
The fact that this type of device is necessary for the functioning of every restaurant is well known by the chef, who bases most of the thermal processing of dishes on gastronomic kitchens, where frying, baking and cooking take place. No wonder that this equipment is one of the foundations of the gastronomic equipment of every restaurant.