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Bar equipment

Bars are associated with good fun, relaxed atmosphere, loud music and smiling people. In bars, people celebrate important events, victories, meet their closest friends, and toast to a successful future. This is how consumers perceive bars. We, who create the catering industry, know that all these positive connotations are the result of hard work and thoughtful investments.

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Bar equipment for the demanding

Well-trained, courteous and work-like staff is one important aspect that allows the premises to prosper. Another is undoubtedly attractive, consistent design, evoking specific emotions. It is undoubtedly important that the bar attracts a specific type of customer that resonates with the premises. However, without bar equipment in appropriate, high-quality bar facilities , we cannot even think of the full success of such a place. In the wide offer, addressed to professionals from the catering industry, you will find complete bar equipment . Bar refrigerated cabinets, ice cube makers, cocktail mixers or bar blenders – these are just some of the specialized tools necessary for efficient work behind the bar. By choosing the equipment of the leading manufacturer of gastronomic equipment in Poland, you will join the group of thousands of satisfied restaurant owners and chefs.

Highest flight bar equipment

On Friday or Saturday, after 9 p.m., when the bars are bursting at the seams, we must be sure that the ingredients for all the specialties from the menu are at hand. The Spokój spirit also ensures that the bar furnishings will not let us down at the hottest moment of the evening. By investing in GastroProdukt Professional equipment, you get more than just a specific machine. Each of our products means thousands of hours of planning and dozens of prototypes to ensure that bar devices , available on the GastroProdukt.pl website, work at the highest speed and are distinguished by failure-free operation. Thoughtful design, maximally optimized ergonomics and attractive design will make our bar appliances a perfect fit for any interior design. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the extensive offer of bar equipment of the highest quality.


Jaki okap gastronomiczny wybrać?

Okap gastronomiczny to profesjonalny sprzęt, przystosowany do pracy w wymagających warunkach. Pomaga pozbyć się oparów oraz nieprzyjemnych zapachów, ułatwiając pracę w kuchni.…
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Jak wybrać sprzęt do lokalu z kebabem?

Kebab jest jednym z najpopularniejszych fastfoodów w Polsce. Do przygotowania tego wschodniego przysmaku potrzebny jest specjalistyczny sprzęt. Jeśli ma być wydajny…
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Na co zwrócić uwagę przy wyborze mebli do kuchni gastronomicznej?

Ważnym wyposażeniem kuchni są nie tylko urządzenia, takie jak piece czy chłodziarki. Odpowiednie warunki pracy w dużej mierze można stworzyć z pomocą odpowiednich stołów i szaf,…
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