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Cocktail mixers for the bar

GastroProdukt Professional enjoys a growing group of satisfied customers. The number of catering facilities, equipped with professional tools and furniture with our logo, is constantly increasing, and they work more efficiently than ever. Since the beginning of the brand's existence, we have found contractors who value reliability, durability and ergonomics above all. This category includes efficient cocktail mixers that can be used in the preparation of ice cream, milkshakes, shakes and other thickened products based on milk or cream. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the extensive offer of comprehensive equipment for catering facilities, including, among others professional cocktail mixers for the bar . Durable and functional tools that the kitchen and bar staff can rely on is the basis for the smooth operation of the entire restaurant. GastroProdukt Professional is a brand created out of love for the art of bartending.

Cocktail mixers

The robust stainless steel construction and the thoughtful, ergonomic shape of the body make the handling of cocktail mixers unparalleled. Powerful motors and durable agitators ensure maximum performance of the mixers during long operation. Well thought-out devices allow a lot of control over the end result, thanks to which cocktail mixers for the bar facilitate the preparation of both thick ice cream as well as liquid shakes and cocktails. The rich offer includes cocktail mixers single and multi-mixer, perfect for large-scale establishments. These mixers are designed in such a way that the simultaneous operation of many mixers does not generate vibrations, which could reduce the comfort and safety of work. Let us add that all cocktail mixers for the bar have suction cups that use the patented SureGrip system. This design prevents the mixer from moving around and provides additional security.


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