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Bar ice crushers

Bar ice crushers are an essential element of every bar's equipment. Wherever drinks are served, alcohol-flavored alcohol drinks, these devices play an important role.

Ice crushers for the demanding

GastroProdukt Professional would like to present you the category of professional ice crushers, one of the whole series of bar products, available at Gastroprodukt.pl. We know that even the best, most experienced team, without the right tools, will not do much in the gastronomy sector. That is why, for ten years we have been producing advanced appliances and kitchen furniture for professional use. We are constantly accelerating and facilitating work in the catering back-up and behind the bar, which is appreciated by thousands of people employed in this industry. Durable and efficient devices enable comfortable and safe functioning of the kitchen staff at high speed. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the extensive offer of comprehensive equipment for catering facilities, especially the managers of the HoReCa industry, who focus on quality.

The best bar ice crushers on the market

Made of stainless steel and durable, food-safe plastic, ice crushers are an excellent example of a compact and highly efficient device. The designers took care not only of resistance to moisture or mechanical damage, but also of masterly ergonomics. Aesthetic, solid housing heralds failure-free, efficient cooperation for many years. GastroProdukt Professional offers bar ice crushers with capacities from 15 kg /h to 120 kg /h, suitable for more demanding large-scale applications. Stainless steel blades guarantee trouble-free operation and high speed of crushing ice. By using an ice crusher , we obtain a consistency that is ideal for preparing mojitos, iced coffee or granites, among others. If you have any questions, the experienced customer service department will provide you with professional advice and assistance in choosing the right gastronomic equipment.


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