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SPM Drink Systems devices

GastroProdukt Professional is the exclusive representative of the SPM Drink Systems brand. The products of the Italian company SPM Drink Systems are the result of a passion that has been going on for over 50 years. The history of SPM Drink Systems began over 50 years ago with the dream and passion of its founders. A family company specializing in cold and hot drinks equipment, it has become a market leader and a trusted partner of the most important companies in the hospitality industry, among the best restaurants, bars, cafes, pubs ... both in the domestic and foreign sectors . SPM Drink Systems stands for the constant improvement of devices that are used to produce and serve desserts, hot and cold drinks, ice drinks, etc.

SPM Drink Systems improves its products through constant innovation, high quality, modern design and safety of use. The vision and mission of the company are the two pillars used to maintain trends and a high position on the market of SPM Drink Systems. Vision. Continuous improvement of dispensers for cold and hot drinks. Meeting our partners' requirements for innovation, functionality, performance and ease of use of devices. Mission Designing and production of professional high-quality equipment, creating customer loyalty, distinguishing itself with innovation, creating business conditions for the development of the distribution network, producing reliable devices in an environmentally friendly manner. Based on its many years of experience and business knowledge, SPM Drink Systems provides its partners with real support in the implementation of projects in the field of implementation, design, production and investment promotion. SPM Drink Systems is certified by TUV in accordance with the regulations and guidelines of UNI EN ISO 9001 - EA18, the purpose of which is to ensure the promotion of business processes and increase in efficiency and performance in the sale of equipment and service provision to ensure customer satisfaction. Every SPM Drink Systems product is manufactured in a factory in Spilamberto (MO) and is CE certified. The factory covers a total area of 10,000 m2 and consists of offices, production space, warehouse and exhibition space. SPM Drink Systems also takes care to ensure the appropriate certificates in the markets where the company's devices are present. SPM Drink Sys-tems provides the required certificates, in accordance with applicable law, these are ETL, IMQ, HACCP and others.


Co to jest bemar, jak działa i do czego służy?

Bemar to urządzenie kuchenne, wykorzystywane do podgrzewania potraw, aby utrzymać pożądaną temperaturę serwowanych dań. Powszechnie wykorzystuje się je w gastronomii – w bufetach,…
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Zastosowanie taboretów gastronomicznych

Taborety gastronomiczne stanowią ważny element wyposażenia profesjonalnych kuchni i innych miejsc związanych z gastronomią. Istnieją różne modele, które różnią się…
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Rodzaje stali nierdzewnej i jej zastosowanie w gastronomii

Stal nierdzewna w swoim składzie zawiera co najmniej 10,5% chromu, ale ma różny skład chemiczny, przez co wyróżniamy jej kilka rodzajów. Do czego wykorzystuje się stal…
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