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Whipped cream machines

Anyone who has spent even a moment in a professional catering facility knows that in the heat of work every second counts, and every move is important. It is essential to maintain a high level of concentration throughout the shift, and the machines and people working at top speed. Therefore, by automating certain processes, such as preparing whipped cream, we save time and energy of our team of chefs, who can focus on other, equally important activities. Moreover, the machine specialized in the performance of a specific task guarantees 100% repeatability of the entire process and the quality of the effect. This, in turn, ensures that the consistency of the whipped cream will be perfect every time, and its texture is invariably delicate. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with our wide range of complete equipment for professional gastronomy, including restaurants, bakeries, pastry shops and cafes and many others.

Whip cream and good business

Whipped cream machines are used primarily to make a characteristic, light coating, which is an inseparable addition to many desserts, cakes and other sweet treats. Important in production is not only the right cream, preferably fatty, but also maintaining a constant low temperature. Thanks to the integrated cooling unit, the produced whipped cream remains in the cold container, which prevents loss of consistency, taste and texture. A small but legible indicator allows you to control the temperature in the container. The robust construction of plastics and stainless steel guarantees many years of operation of the GastroProdukt Professional whipping cream machine. In our offer you will find whipped cream machines with a container with a capacity of 3 or 5 liters, intended for professional use. The devices are compact in size, which allows them to be placed anywhere in the kitchen facilities, without worrying about insufficient space. The whipped cream machine is a must-have in any cafe that has the ambition to serve the best dessert in the city.


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