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Catering pancakes

Gastronomy pancakes for professionals

Some of the dishes on the menu are extremely demanding. Pancakes are a dish that has many admirers. Although they may appear to be uncomplicated to prepare, careful frying on the right surface is essential. The key to a perfect pancake is the non-stick, smooth heating surface that distributes heat evenly throughout the entire area. After these conditions are met, we can expect the right consistency and flavor that will be appreciated by all gourmets. If you want to satisfy the demanding palates of your customers, it is worth investing in devices made of the best components and materials. All this to be sure that each pancake will meet the expectations of even the most demanding mugs of taste.

Professional crepes like five-star Michelin restaurants

In the GastroProdukt Professional offer you can find professional single pancakes as well as double gastronomic pancakes. Whatever the size and profile of your eateries, pancake makers are handy, space-saving devices with a drawer for storing utensils, such as the included spatula, to spread the dough over the heating surface. Its small size allows it to be stowed away when not in use, saving valuable space in any professional kitchen. The heating plate is made of the highest quality enameled cast iron to prevent the dough from sticking. It is also a surface that does not require the use of fat. However, due to the delicate, ceramic coating of the hob, you should not use tools with sharp edges (both when cleaning the equipment and preparing a pancake). The temperature can be precisely adjusted with ergonomic knobs, on a scale from 50 ° C to 300 ° C. We encourage you to contact our customer service department, ready to dispel all your doubts and answer questions regarding the equipment of professional catering facilities.


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Zastosowanie taboretów gastronomicznych

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Rodzaje stali nierdzewnej i jej zastosowanie w gastronomii

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