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Gastronomic fryer

  • 1 (Present)

Gastronomic Frykownica and its operation?

The gastronomic fryer has a large metal fryer that should be filled with oil or other types of fat. Inside the gastronomic fryer there are heating elements that heat the oil, and thanks to the thermostat, we can precisely regulate the operating temperature. That is why we can fry the fries at both low and very high temperatures. The biggest advantage of GastroProdukt fryers is the fact that they have a cold zone between the bottom of the device and the heater. Therefore, crumbs from french fries or breadcrumbs are not burnt on the bottom of the fryer.

food fryer

Gastro fryers - what can we fry with GastroProdukt fryers?

Gastronomy fryers Gastroprodukt Professional is a very versatile and universal device. They can be used for a wide variety of products like:

  • fries
  • potatoes
  • Devolay
  • pork chop
  • donuts

Gastronomic fryers are a great opportunity in every professional gastronomic kitchen.


Food fryer - What should I remember when buying?

When purchasing a  catering fryer , there are two components to consider. The first is an electric fryer and the second is a gas fryer. The electric fryer is a very popular model because they are generally cheap. The gas fryer is designed for very efficient operation. The GastroProdukt offer includes various capacities of deep fryers, ranging from the standard 4 liters, up to 25 liters. It is also worth considering the variant with a drain valve or a tap. These models of catering fryers are much easier to clean.


Catering fryers - how to work safely with a fryer?

The catering fryer is filled with oil during operation, which can reach a temperature of over 200 ° C, therefore we should be very careful when working. Food fryers only fill with oil when the device is turned off. You should also remember not to exceed the maximum oil level indicated by the manufacturer. After refilling the fryer oil, we can set the operating temperature and wait for the desired temperature to be reached. When the temperature is reached by the device, we can then proceed to frying the products. To work safely on a deep fry food, we must make sure that the lid of the device is closed during operation.


Catering fryer and cleaning it after finishing work?

When working with the GastroProdukt fryer, it is necessary to regularly check the condition of the oil level and quality in the device, and if necessary, change the oil to fresh one. It is also very important to clean the fryer. To clean the device, make sure that the gastronomic fryer is cooled down and that the device is disconnected from the power supply. When all of the above steps have been completed, we can then pour the used oil from the fryer and fill the chamber with boiling water and dishwashing liquid. We leave the water on for about an hour. After this time, the water can be drained from the fryer chamber. If the food fryer is dirty, repeat the process again.


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