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Gas stools

A gas stool is a reliable helper in the kitchen

Gas stool - Everyday life brings us a lot of evidence that a small one can do more. We can successfully apply this often repeated rule in gastronomy. Every experienced chef knows that gas stools are small agents for special tasks, because despite their miniature size, they can heat up to 100 liters of food or infusion at a time. In our offer on the GastroProdukt.pl website you will find both one- and two-burner gas stools , as well as sets including: a combi steamer, a gas cooker, and a gastronomic stool . The quality of materials used in their production and precision of workmanship – and so the hallmarks of the GastroProdukt Professional offer – ensure longevity with intensive use.


Handy and durable gastronomic stool GastroProdukt Professional

The small size of the gas stool is the primary advantage of these very durable devices. They are one of the most mobile appliances of this type in the entire kitchen. This means that anywhere you can prepare a very large amount of delicious hot food. This option is extremely useful and highly desirable for all kinds of outdoor events, such as festivals, fairs or historical reenactments, or in emergency conditions when a large stationary gas cooker is not available. When designing all kinds of gastronomic devices, our specialists always take into account the safety of users. No wonder that even such a small object as gastronomic gas stool , we have equipped with a safety valve. It closes, shutting off the gas supply automatically as soon as the fire goes out. It is worth mentioning that gas stools of the renowned GastroProdukt Professional brand are compatible with any type of gas available in the European Union, including, of course, in Poland. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with our offer, and if you have any questions, contact the specialists from the customer service department, who will help you choose the right model.


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Rodzaje stali nierdzewnej i jej zastosowanie w gastronomii

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