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GP | Refrigerated showcase SUSHI VS8 1/3 GN x 8 SAYL

GP | Refrigerated showcase SUSHI VS8 1/3 GN x 8 SAYL


Price net:
Price gross:
+ -
1,831.91 net
Delivery options
Pallet courier 199,00
Receipt of the order at the GP Salon 0,00
Courier EU 123,00


  • Display and cooling showcase of the Spanish producer SAYL .
  • Like all products of this brand, it is characterized by modern and attractive design and high quality of workmanship.
  • Double evaporator
  • Built-in chiller
  • Temperature range from 1 to 5 C at 25 C ambient temperature
  • Equipped with sliding rear doors
  • Bent glass
  • Equipped with adjustable electronic thermostat and temperature display
  • Electronic sensors placed in a place preventing measurement disturbances, eg during washing
  • A special cold air diffusion system ensures an even temperature distribution,
  • R-134A refrigerant
  • Available in 5 colors:
  1. Black
  2. Red
  3. Silver
  4. Brown
  5. White
  • External dimensions: 1788 x 395 x 245 (h) mm
  • GN container: 8 x 1/3 GN 40mm

Note! The price does not include GN containers.

Delivery time: 3 - 28 business days | Ask about the availability of our specialists.


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