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GP | Electric Gastronomic Boiler 250.1

GP | Electric Gastronomic Boiler 250.1

Code: GP.WKE-250.1

Price net:
8,589.95 7,200.74
Price gross:
10,565.64 8,856.91

Lowest price gross 30 days before discount: 8,856.91 

+ -
7,200.74 8,589.95 net
Select your warranty option
Delivery options
Pallet courier 199,00
Receipt of the order at the GP Salon 0,00
Courier EU 123,00


  • Water heated by electric heaters
  • The control system allows you to adjust the heating intensity by setting the temperature controller in an appropriate manner and the three-stage adjustment of the heating power by switching on the appropriate heating sections
  • It is equipped with an electronically controlled, automatic system for filling the heating tank (water jacket) with water. This system controls the water level in the heater, automatically fills it up and, if necessary, replenishes it with water.
  • Economic use of electricity
  • The boiler is equipped with a temperature limiter and a pressure switch that maintains the optimal steam pressure
  • Standard equipment of the boiler is also fittings protecting against excessive pressure increase
  • Boiler capacity: 250 dm3
  • Diameter of the brew tank: 910 mm
  • Case diameter: 1195 mm
  • Height to the collar: 900 mm
  • Overall dimensions (width x depth): 1330x1340 mm
  • Rated power: 27 kW
  • Power supply: 3N ~ 400V 50 Hz
  • Connection for hot and cold water: 2 x R1 /2 ”
  • The highest working pressure of steam: 0.05 MPa

Delivery time: 3-7 days


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