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Heated cabinets

Heated cabinets – designed to keep food warm for longer

Nobody likes it when a dish that has appeared on the plate becomes chilly and unpalatable at an express pace. It is known that it is not good to rush when eating, and this situation is conducive to consumption in the race against time mode. This completely misses the pleasure of tasting and extracting the whole range of flavor values from every bite. That is why, in professional kitchens around the world, GastroProdukt Professional heating cabinets are used, ensuring a constant, increased temperature of tableware. By serving a hot dish on a warm plate, taken out of the heating cabinet, we have a guarantee that the dish will not be returned because it cools down immediately. By using this solution, we make sure that our guest will taste exactly the dish we have prepared.

Heated cabinets for every kitchen

A decade of experience in the catering industry means thousands of feedback from users, hundreds of new devices, but also dozens of errors that we have had a chance to fix. Each of our products is a device that is to serve for many years without failure. Every element and every part are hours of research and analysis, transformed into optimized designs of the best kitchen equipment on the market. Using these broad competences, we would like to offer you reliable equipment, including heating cabinets for cups and plates. Made of stainless steel, they perfectly withstand the harsh conditions prevailing in the kitchen, protecting their contents against dirt and damage. Ergonomic handles and a temperature regulator facilitate smooth operation, and their simple design is not a problem to keep clean. In our offer at GastroProdukt.pl you will find two-door heating cabinets, single-door heated cabinets, and also cup warmers. Check out our wide range of kitchen appliances and if you have any questions, please contact our customer service department.


Co to jest bemar, jak działa i do czego służy?

Bemar to urządzenie kuchenne, wykorzystywane do podgrzewania potraw, aby utrzymać pożądaną temperaturę serwowanych dań. Powszechnie wykorzystuje się je w gastronomii – w bufetach,…
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Zastosowanie taboretów gastronomicznych

Taborety gastronomiczne stanowią ważny element wyposażenia profesjonalnych kuchni i innych miejsc związanych z gastronomią. Istnieją różne modele, które różnią się…
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Rodzaje stali nierdzewnej i jej zastosowanie w gastronomii

Stal nierdzewna w swoim składzie zawiera co najmniej 10,5% chromu, ale ma różny skład chemiczny, przez co wyróżniamy jej kilka rodzajów. Do czego wykorzystuje się stal…
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