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Catering saucepans

Professional gastronomic saucepans

Preparing top-quality dishes requires utensils ... of the highest quality. Regardless of the type of dishes you serve, it is impossible not to appreciate the professional product, which is characterized by extraordinary durability and excellent ergonomics. The category of professional gastronomic saucepans includes models of various sizes, corresponding to the real needs of chefs. GastroProdukt Professional stainless steel saucepans are a solution dedicated to kitchen facilities, where equipment is expected to be highly efficient and reliable.

Professional gastronomic saucepans - quality pairs with low price

The stainless steel used in the production of our saucepans is the highest class material. The dishes are equipped with "sandwich" bottoms. It is a combination of stainless steel, which makes the saucepans very strong, with aluminum with excellent heat distribution properties and magnetic steel. Thanks to this solution, our professional gastronomic saucepans can be used on all types of cookers. We are constantly working on the maximum ergonomics of our products. That is why stainless steel gastronomic saucepans, available at GastroProdukt.pl, have improved, multi-point attached handles. This translates into greater vessel stability and insulation, minimizing heating up. Don't forget the stylish satin steel finish that looks good even after a lot of prepared meals. Our professional gastronomic saucepans are also designed to be easy to keep clean, so you can focus on what matters - preparing delicious dishes that will charm your guests. If you have any doubts or questions, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service department. The satisfaction of people dining at your premises is a determinant of our success. We are convinced that by using the stainless steel gastronomic pans of the renowned GastroProdukt Professional brand, achieving this goal is closer than ever before.


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Rodzaje stali nierdzewnej i jej zastosowanie w gastronomii

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