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Wall-mounted oblique hoods

Get rid of fumes and unwanted aromas for good

With solid hoods, no fat, no condensation or high temperature will be a problem. Each professional catering facility must be equipped with stainless steel hoods . For sanitary and safety reasons, there should be a hood above the kitchen to remove hot and humid air along with aromas. Oblique gastronomic hoods in comparison to other models of this type of devices are characterized by the highest efficiency. If installed correctly, they effectively collect fumes and lower the air temperature around the stove, making your work much more enjoyable and safe. GastroProdukt Professional has been providing the best HoReCa companies with reliable equipment for a decade, accelerating and facilitating everyday tasks in the back room of a restaurant, hotel, pub or table. If you want to enter a new level of professionalism in the kitchen, GastroProdukt Professional is the first step to success.

Solid wall stainless steel oblique hoods for years

Oblique wall hoods are one of the elements without which an investment in a gastronomic establishment cannot be completed. Such devices usually do not play the leading role, which does not mean that their operation does not have a huge impact on the atmosphere in the kitchen. We truly appreciate them when they fail or turn them off. It is worth remembering that the supply of efficient and trouble-free slanted gastronomy hoods significantly improves the quality of work and raises the standard of the entire catering facilities. Without the hoods, the entire kitchen would be covered with hard-to-remove grease and dirt in a blink of an eye. The increased temperature would make it impossible to work comfortably, exposing the kitchen staff to health problems. GastroProdukt Professional offers you inexpensive and advanced stainless steel oblique wall hoods . We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the entire offer on the GastroProdukt.pl website, and if you have questions about a specific model or order status, please contact our advisers.


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