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Electric vegetable cutters

Gastronomy slicer for vegetables – simplicity and speed

Time is undoubtedly one of the most valuable resources in the kitchen. Multitasking pays off, but only if we are sure that each of the activities is done carefully. But even when we are able to control many processes simultaneously, there is a problem of the repeatability of many of them. A sensible solution in this case is to automate as many activities as possible, constantly maintaining a high level of quality. For over a decade, we have been offering professional catering establishments effective solutions that accelerate and facilitate the work of a chef. & ldquo; We ate our teeth & rdquo; on continuous improvement of the efficiency, safety and ergonomics of our products, because we believe that only premium products count in the HoReCa industry. These are also our gastronomic vegetable cutters. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with our offer of advanced equipment and furniture dedicated to professional catering facilities.

Electric Cabbage Cutter - Trust in the power of technology

Electric vegetable cutters by GastroProdukt Professional will allow you to obtain a satisfactory effect and will allow you to save valuable minutes, and in the wider perspective even hours spent on cutting and slicing. In this category you can find a wide selection of gastronomic choppers for vegetables, which in time many times shorter than the capabilities of an experienced cook, turn vegetables into ordinary slices or chunks. By investing in our electric vegetable cutters, you gain not only speed, but also precision, ease of use and maximum safety. The capacity of the slicer, reaching 300 kg /h, guarantees the constant availability of carefully cut vegetables, regardless of the number of orders. Our devices are made of the highest quality materials, such as stainless steel, durable plastics or aluminum. Thanks to this, we can be sure that it is easy to keep them clean and ensure proper hygiene at work.



GastroProdukt Professional slicer - electric vegetable slicer - its possibilities?

Cutting large quantities of vegetables by hand usually takes a long time. However, we can significantly shorten this process and facilitate the process of processing vegetables thanks to the electric vegetable slicer . & Nbsp; This type of gastronomic slicer has a drive that rotates a specialized disc, which it works like a knife, cutting vegetables into even pieces. All you need to do is put the vegetables into the hole in the gastronomic slicer and lightly push the pusher handle. Cza remembers to put a GN container next to the gastronomic slicer, to which the vegetables are cut. & Nbsp;


Electric Vegetable Cutter - How to properly use the Electric Cabbage Cutter?

Electric cabbage shredder is on the level of extremely easy to use and safe for the user. Before starting the vegetable slicer, vegetables should be properly prepared in advance. Therefore, it is imperative to wash the vegetables before processing. It is very important to choose the right blade so that you can determine the size and shape of the end result. The electric vegetable slicer achieves a perfect cutting effect such as thick slices, shreds and cubes.


GastroProdukt Professional electric vegetable slicer - Advantages of gastronomic slicer

Anyone who works in a catering establishment knows that preparing a large amount of chopped vegetables takes incredible work. However, we can save time with a professional electric vegetable slicer . Our electric vegetable machine guarantees remarkable performance every time. We can achieve slicing capacity of up to 430 kg of vegetables per hour. Electric Vegetable Cutter GastroProdukt Professional - you not only work faster, but your catering facility is more efficient.


Electric vegetable slicer GastroProdukt Professional - gastronomic slicer and additional cutting discs.

Gastro slicer GastroProdukt Professional for vegetables, we can cut vegetables in various ways, all depending on what discs we use. You can cut vegetables into cubes, shavings or popular slices of various sizes and lengths. GastroProduk's offer also includes other accessories that are worth looking at when buying an electric vegetable slicer.


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