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Stainless steel furniture - Practical wall tables with a sink and a table

Even if we hire the best chefs in the country but do not give them the right tools to work, the results are unlikely to be satisfactory. That is why it is so important to stock up on professional stainless steel furniture and catering equipment as soon as possible. This will allow you to develop an efficient system of work and use all the skills of the crew. By investing in the highest quality gastronomic equipment, you gain an advantage over your competitors in the long run. GastroProdukt Professional has been producing reliable kitchen appliances for ten years and thousands of companies from various industries are successfully using it. Among our clients are, among others hotels, guesthouses, restaurants, pubs, bistros and food trucks popular in recent years.


Catering furniture for professional gastronomy

Wall-mounted dining tables with a sink and a p a table are one of the basic kitchen furniture that allows for efficient preparation of meals. Thanks to the ergonomic, rounded shapes, keeping them clean does not require additional effort. Necessary in every kitchen, wall tables with a sink and a table allow you to wash ingredients and prepare dishes on a large workspace. The practical shelf is an excellent storage space for your most used tools and other items. We offer a large selection of wall-to-wall gastronomic dining tables with a sink and a dining table in many sizes. All this so that you can find a model that will meet your specific expectations to the letter. Thanks to the use of stainless steel, the presented gastronomic furniture are perfectly adapted to contact with food and water. Resistant to dents and scratches, as well as to moisture, gastronomic tables will look like new even after many years. On the website GastroProdukt.pl wall tables with a sink and a table are offered in two depths – 600 mm and 700 mm. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the many models available, and if you have difficulty making your choice, please contact our customer service department.


Jaki okap gastronomiczny wybrać?

Okap gastronomiczny to profesjonalny sprzęt, przystosowany do pracy w wymagających warunkach. Pomaga pozbyć się oparów oraz nieprzyjemnych zapachów, ułatwiając pracę w kuchni.…
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Jak wybrać sprzęt do lokalu z kebabem?

Kebab jest jednym z najpopularniejszych fastfoodów w Polsce. Do przygotowania tego wschodniego przysmaku potrzebny jest specjalistyczny sprzęt. Jeśli ma być wydajny…
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Na co zwrócić uwagę przy wyborze mebli do kuchni gastronomicznej?

Ważnym wyposażeniem kuchni są nie tylko urządzenia, takie jak piece czy chłodziarki. Odpowiednie warunki pracy w dużej mierze można stworzyć z pomocą odpowiednich stołów i szaf,…
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