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Stainless steel furniture - Gastronomy tables with a waste opening for professionals

Regardless of the profile and size of the premises, every entrepreneur from the catering industry must ensure efficient waste management and cleaning procedures. Fortunately, GastroProdukt Professional offers a number of advanced solutions in the form of stainless steel furniture and catering equipment that will facilitate maintenance and removal of contamination. The solid structures, made of resistant to moisture and organic substances, enable failure-free operation at high speed for many years. Stainless steel tables with a waste opening are one of the most convenient gastronomic furniture, which can be very quickly, even with one move, cleaned of the remains of ingredients and peelings. The centrally located opening of the large diagonal guarantees perfect ergonomics of work and leaves a spacious working space on both sides of the table top. Moreover, according to the client's request, the opening can also be located on the left or right side of the dining table. Gastronomic stainless steel tables with hole for waste are essential elements of equipment for every professional gastronomic kitchen.


Catering furniture | Get rid of peels in a blink of an eye – tables with a waste opening

GastroProdukt Professional has been helping chefs in their daily work for a decade by producing appliances, stainless steel furniture and gastronomic accessories. We focus on the highest quality to meet the expectations and satisfy even the most demanding chef in the kitchen. The huge number of available dimensions guarantees that on the GastroProdukt.pl website you will find tables with an opening for waste & ldquo; made to measure & rdquo ;. Solid stainless steel welds are the key to the extraordinary strength and resistance to mechanical damage of the presented gastronomic furniture. Minor enhancements such as the rounded edges of the countertop greatly improve comfort and facilitate thorough cleaning of the entire surface. If you would like to learn more about the table with a waste opening or other gastronomic furniture, please contact our advisory department, who will be happy to share their knowledge and help you make the best choice.


Jaki okap gastronomiczny wybrać?

Okap gastronomiczny to profesjonalny sprzęt, przystosowany do pracy w wymagających warunkach. Pomaga pozbyć się oparów oraz nieprzyjemnych zapachów, ułatwiając pracę w kuchni.…
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Jak wybrać sprzęt do lokalu z kebabem?

Kebab jest jednym z najpopularniejszych fastfoodów w Polsce. Do przygotowania tego wschodniego przysmaku potrzebny jest specjalistyczny sprzęt. Jeśli ma być wydajny…
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Na co zwrócić uwagę przy wyborze mebli do kuchni gastronomicznej?

Ważnym wyposażeniem kuchni są nie tylko urządzenia, takie jak piece czy chłodziarki. Odpowiednie warunki pracy w dużej mierze można stworzyć z pomocą odpowiednich stołów i szaf,…
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