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Steel transport thermoses

Is there anything easier than transporting a lot of soup? No, if we use steel transport thermoses by GastroProdukt Professional. When preparing liquid dishes or hot drinks, we want to be sure that they will reach the customer at the optimal temperature and will be suitable for immediate consumption, without the need for heating. The solid construction of stainless steel and foam-insulated double walls not only ensures a long time of keeping warm, but also guarantees resistance and durability. If you are looking for proven steel transport thermosets at the best prices on the market, GastroProdukt.pl is the right address! We encourage you to familiarize yourself with our wide offer and to contact our customer service department when there are any doubts regarding the purchase of a specific model.

Steel thermoses for the demanding

We tested our transport thermoses in really difficult conditions. To overcome six solid latches, a double-walled lid, high-quality AISI 304 stainless steel and a durable rubber base, you really need to try hard. Steel thermoses are a guarantee of hot meals, even after several hours on the road. For safety, we have equipped our units with a valve that eliminates the negative pressure, which makes it much easier to open the container. In our offer you will find steel transport thermoses with a capacity from 10L to 35L, of which some models have an ergonomic and damage-resistant tap. Having such a steel thermos, we can focus on many other activities and put aside worrying about the right temperature of the food sent to the customer. In addition, for ease of transport, on both sides of the thermos, there are handy, movable handles that allow you to safely carry food, even by two people. We invite you to read the detailed specifications of our steel transport thermoses, and to contact us if you have any questions.


Co to jest bemar, jak działa i do czego służy?

Bemar to urządzenie kuchenne, wykorzystywane do podgrzewania potraw, aby utrzymać pożądaną temperaturę serwowanych dań. Powszechnie wykorzystuje się je w gastronomii – w bufetach,…
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Zastosowanie taboretów gastronomicznych

Taborety gastronomiczne stanowią ważny element wyposażenia profesjonalnych kuchni i innych miejsc związanych z gastronomią. Istnieją różne modele, które różnią się…
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Rodzaje stali nierdzewnej i jej zastosowanie w gastronomii

Stal nierdzewna w swoim składzie zawiera co najmniej 10,5% chromu, ale ma różny skład chemiczny, przez co wyróżniamy jej kilka rodzajów. Do czego wykorzystuje się stal…
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