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Salad refrigerated tables

Freshness always at hand – salad chilling tables

We all like it when the plate is filled with fresh, nutritious vegetables in a kaleidoscope of colors. Publicly available media, especially the Internet, enable the instant sharing of taste sensations, knowledge and observations with large groups of people. The growing popularity of blogs, vlogs, and culinary programs on health-related topics means that the society is becoming more aware of food choices. By resigning from fast-food in favor of unprocessed, full of fresh ingredients in the diet, customers more often choose vegetarian or vegan options. Therefore, in order to fully satisfy demanding guests by serving healthy, low-calorie dishes, we must equip ourselves with appropriate tools and furniture. GastroProdukt Professional has been enabling entrepreneurs from the catering industry to choose the highest quality kitchen equipment for ten years. Saladettes, or refrigerated salad tables , are furniture that are perfect for companies offering fresh, prepared on the spot, raw vegetables and other dishes based on fresh vegetables.

Saladettes for healthy crazy

Modern dining venues that focus on healthy, wholesome food are investing in specialized refrigerated salad tables . Ergonomic and adapted to professional work, they ensure comfortable work in the back of the kitchen. Saladettes offer efficient cooling, making them an ideal solution for salad bars. Attractive, aesthetic design is well combined with advanced technology, manifested, among others, by in the ecological coolant or a convenient control panel. A solid housing, made of stainless steel, guarantees excellent resistance to mechanical damage and moisture. The well-thought-out design and rounded edges of the internal cooling chamber make it easy to keep saladettas in flawless cleanliness, in accordance with hygiene standards. Salad refrigerated tables are available on the GastroProdukt.pl website in many configurations . We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the offer, and if necessary, also contact the helpful customer service department.


Co to jest bemar, jak działa i do czego służy?

Bemar to urządzenie kuchenne, wykorzystywane do podgrzewania potraw, aby utrzymać pożądaną temperaturę serwowanych dań. Powszechnie wykorzystuje się je w gastronomii – w bufetach,…
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Zastosowanie taboretów gastronomicznych

Taborety gastronomiczne stanowią ważny element wyposażenia profesjonalnych kuchni i innych miejsc związanych z gastronomią. Istnieją różne modele, które różnią się…
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Rodzaje stali nierdzewnej i jej zastosowanie w gastronomii

Stal nierdzewna w swoim składzie zawiera co najmniej 10,5% chromu, ale ma różny skład chemiczny, przez co wyróżniamy jej kilka rodzajów. Do czego wykorzystuje się stal…
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