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Chicken spit

Chicken rotisserie for professionals

When we need advanced kitchen solutions, it is worth turning to proven brands. Those who have been preparing dishes for a long time will agree that without the appropriate equipment, a restaurant cannot exist. It is extremely important that, in addition to the qualified staff in the back room, use the highest-class equipment. Because it is the properly selected and reliable tools that ensure efficient work and repeatable results. By investing in the GastroProdukt Professional apparatus, you can be sure that the efficiency can be even higher, and the dishes can be even better. This is also the case with chicken rotisserie . Thoughtful, technologically advanced design, which we proudly offer in many sizes & ndash; from a load of 12 chickens to 90 & ndash; even the most demanding chefs will like it.


Chicken rotisserie - Electric and gas operated

Whichever power source you prefer, the end result is exactly the same when it comes to gas rotisseries for chickens or electric rotisseries for chickens. It is a perfectly seared dr ó b (but not only), with a crispy skin, delicate meat and a juicy flavor. The balanced, intelligent heating process ensures optimized consumption of electricity or gas, which gives us the certainty that the chicken rotisserie is not only friendly to your budget, but also to the environment. In addition, the rotisserie has independent heating zones, which, depending on the current demand, can be freely adjusted. We produce gas rotisseries and electric chicken rotisseries from the highest quality stainless steel. It is a universal material, appreciated by the constructor and the user for its durability and resistance to harsh conditions, mechanical damage and ease of use and cleaning. In the interior, behind the doors made of heat-resistant material, there are rotating forks, illuminated by main lighting. Gas rotisserie for chicken and electric rotisserie for chicken, despite their name, are universal devices, after installing the appropriate attachments, perfectly compatible with knuckles, hams or fish.

Chicken turn GastroProdukt Professional is an innovative solution for your business.


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