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GP | Tobra for Soups 12 Cups x 300 ml

GP | Tobra for Soups 12 Cups x 300 ml

Code: GP.Torba na zupki 12

Price net:
Price gross:
+ -
53.25 net
Delivery options
Courier 29,00
Pallet courier 199,00
Courier picking up money 39,00
Receipt of the order at the GP Salon 0,00
Courier EU 123,00


  • Isothermal packaging will not only save you time and money, it will also improve the quality of your services.
  • The product will reach the customer hot, not devoid of flavor. This ensures that the temperature can be maintained up to 85 ° C.
  • Bags equipped with Velcro for tight closing, made of a strong, easily washable material, additionally a transparent pocket for bills and side pockets for drinks.

Available colors:

  •  black (default color)
  •  red

Bag for 12 cups of 300 ml.

Delivery time: 3 - 28 working days | Ask about the availability of our specialists.


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