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GP | Cooling showcase on top 4 x GN1 / 3 + 1 x GN1 / 2 "PINGUINO" - PREMIUM

GP | Cooling showcase on top 4 x GN1 / 3 + 1 x GN1 / 2 "PINGUINO" - PREMIUM

Code: 10000567

Price net:
694.37 439.69
Price gross:
854.08 540.81

Lowest price gross 30 days before discount: 540.81 

+ -
439.69 694.37 net
Delivery options
Courier 29,00
Pallet courier 199,00
Receipt of the order at the GP Salon 0,00
Courier EU 123,00


  • GastroProdukt Professional | Glazed refrigerated display cabinet "PINGUINO" made of stainless steel, suitable for gastronomic containers 4 x GN1 /3 + 1 x GN1 /2 PREMIUM Line
  • The device is perfect for all kinds of gastronomic points, such as restaurants, pizzerias, bars, fast-food, pubs, etc.
  • Dimensions: 1400 x 395 x 440 (h) mm
  • Made of stainless steel with straight glass
  • Capacity: 4 x GN 1/3 + 1 x GN 1/2 - 150mm
  • Temperature range: + 2° C to + 8° C
  • R134a
  • High-end controller with a digital temperature display compliant with HACCP
  • Power: 0.15kW
  • Power supply: 230 V
  • Weight: 30kg
  • Note! The price does not include the GN container.

Delivery time: 1-3 days


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