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GP | Bain-marie trolley MVC 2x1 / 1 GN

GP | Bain-marie trolley MVC 2x1 / 1 GN

Code: GP.MVC.20.4

Price net:
Price gross:
+ -
1,384.58 net
Select your warranty option
Delivery options
Pallet courier 199,00
Receipt of the order at the GP Salon 0,00
Courier EU 123,00


  • Tanks independently heated
  • Capacity: 2 x 1/1 GN, h = 200
  • Dimensions: 855 x 600 x 850 mm
  • Power supply: ~ 230V 50Hz
  • Rated power: 2.4 kW
  • The dishes are placed in special GN gastronomy containers
  • Heating the containers with a mixture of steam and air allows you to keep warm without the fear of burning the food
  • Bain-marie has a heating system that enables temperature regulation. in the range of from 30ºC to 95 ºC
  • Electric heaters are immersed in the water bath of the bain-marie

Delivery time: 3-7 days


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