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A specialized pizza oven will allow you to prepare a delicious, nutritious meal which is pizza. Do you want to take care of your guests and provide them with the best meal that your restaurant can serve? A good pizza oven will make it possible for you. Alfa Forni pizza ovens will allow you to prepare delicious, nutritious pizza. High quality, precise workmanship and durability are the hallmarks of Alfa Pizza Forni ovens.


Italian brand - Alfa Forni Pizza

Alfa Forni Pizza is a family Italian brand that was created out of love for delicious and healthy food that you can prepare at home. The brand was founded in 1977, when two cousins ​​Rocco and Marcello created their first wood-burning stove. It was not a professional, gastronomic stove, but a garden device.





Over time, Alfa Forni Pizza ovens have become devices dedicated to professional gastronomy. However, the brand owners have not forgotten where they came from. Alfa Pizza Forni also continues to manufacture garden stoves, direct at individual recipients who love to satisfy their culinary needs in the open air, surrounded by greenery, with family and friends.


Alfa Forni Pizza ovens are still produced today where pizza began, in the south of Italy. High-quality workmanship, durability and extraordinary attention to detail make the stoves fit perfectly into a classic pizzeria and restaurants with a varied menu. The beauty and craftsmanship of workmanship and functionality will allow you to place the oven in the kitchen and garden of the restaurant.

Innovative technology and versatility of Alfa Forni Pizza ovens

The technology used in Alfa Forni Pizza ovens is a great advantage. It allows to obtain a very high temperature of the furnace in a very short time. The solution related to the heat flow was developed by the creators of the oven themselves, thus enabling very quick preparation of the pizza.

Alfa Forni Pizza ovens are available in two versions - wood-fired and gas-fired. In both cases, very similar solutions were used, enabling quick heat transfer and adequate and even heating of the chamber. Thanks to this solution, Alfa Pizza Forni pizza ovens are extremely efficient. The medium-sized oven allows you to bake more than 60 pizzas in an hour.




Modern design and full functionality

From the beginning of the Alfa Pizza Forni brand, the goal was to create not only a functional oven, but also an oven with an impeccable design. Hence the efforts to ensure that each product of the Alfa Pizza Forni brand is useful and fits perfectly in the restaurant. The customer pays attention to everything, including how and in which device his meal is prepared.


The functionality of Alfa Forni Pizza ovens results from the use of innovative solutions that allow to achieve very high temperatures in a very short time. This allows you to quickly and easily bake pizza, cakes, bread and other flour products that require thermal processing at high temperatures. Delays and long waiting for a meal, will no longer be a problem in your restaurant.


Alfa Forni Pizza ovens are a technology that comes from a place where they know how to bake a pizza. It will increase the efficiency of your kitchen, introduce a new quality and ensure full functionality of the kitchen. Become one of the many satisfied customers who have chosen Alfa Forni Pizza ovens.



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