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RETRO kitchen - Exclusive gas cooker in retro style LOFRA

Kitchens Lofra Italy in Poland. Our factory is located in TORREGLIA – ITALY.

Gas cooker - LOFRA was founded in 1956 by the Lovato brothers who started their production activities in the post-war period boilers from materialóin remaining from the war.
Then the brothers moved to the production of cookers, small heating stoves and finally to stainless steel gas stoves to meet the basic needs of consumers.
The real breakthrough came in the mid-1980s, when the management and control of the company were taken over by the sons of the founders, who successfully gave the first organizational and management structures. It was an absolute novelty in the landscape of North-Eastern Italian industry.
During these years, the company has been growing, paying special attention to the quality of its products, through research and market analysis, the company strengthens its leading position in the production of household appliances, gas cookers and high-quality ovens.


LOFRA retro gas cooker - Exclusive kitchens

Retro Kitchens

Exclusive RETRO LOFRA gas cookers for dining establishments or households - Rainbow Cookers, DolceVita, Special and Curva. We cordially invite you to familiarize yourself with the currently available offer of exclusive Lofra RETRO gas cookers. See freestanding kitchens four, five, six and seven burners, additionally equipped with one or two ovens. Good gas cooker household appliances is the basic element of every kitchen equipment. Do not wait, see our offer now. Choose not only the high quality of the product, but also its unique and stylish design. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the offer and contact us, in case of doubts as to the choice of the best gas cooker - our staff will be happy to advise you!


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