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Cooker hood - Lofra Italy retro

Cooker Hood - In our offer includes a set of kitchen appliances from a recognized manufacturer – by Lofra. Therefore, there were also such elements as cooker hoods . Lofra, produces modern household appliances, which are dressed in a classic, stylish design intended for retro kitchens.

Cooker hoods by Lofra, is the Dolcevita range of cooker hoods. High-quality, very durable hoods that are perfect for classic and retro kitchens.


Dolcevita cooker hood – quality and beauty

If we would like to briefly summarize Lofra's products, we would say that each of their products combines classic style and elegance, as well as modern solutions hidden inside.

Retro hood by Lofra from the Dolcevita series, therefore it is intended for classic kitchens, kitchens where high quality is important, combined with a remarkable style, having modern technology in it. And so cooker hood Lofra is characterized by:

  • durability, which characterizes all Lofra household appliances,
  • a considerable appearance, supervised by the manufacturer's designers,
  • the quality of finishes that are important for such a product on display as the cooker hood,
  • the latest electronics, placed discreetly in a classic design.



Cooker Hood - High standard of workmanship – wide offer

Cooker Hood - As with other Lofra products, cooker hoods are also available at GastroProdukt at & nbsp wide offer. Due to the fact that the offer is broad and specialized at the same time, we can be sure that our clients will receive the best product at a price that suits them.

Lofra has been manufacturing household appliances for years and is probably the only company that combines the beauty and taste of a classic style with the latest technology.

Each Lofra retro hood is a hood that has not only a remarkable design, but also a great finish. This is what makes it a product that can successfully be an element that occupies an important place in a classic, beautiful kitchen.

Retro cooker hoods from the Dolcevita line are one of our flagship products for classic kitchens. The offer is complete and we hope that it meets all your expectations.


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