Pizza is a very popular dish that we commonly order in restaurants and pizzerias. As statistics show, it is this dish that restaurateurs earn the most, it can be prepared easily and cheaply, and at the same time it is extremely tasty. Nevertheless, the market when it comes to pizzerias and restaurants serving pizza is quite crowded, so if you want to earn really good money, it is worth making really good pizza. To do this, you need a high-end pizza oven . What? The choice is yours.


GP | Pizza oven - Types

There are several types of pizza ovens on the market. Depending on your needs, it is worth choosing a specific type. However, needs and possibilities are two different things. First of all, not every place is suitable for installing a wood-fired pizza oven. The same applies to gas pizza ovens, for which installation it is necessary to have a suitable flue, power supply, ventilation and gas connection.

When it comes to types of pizza ovens, the following are distinguished:

  • wood-burning stoves,
  • gas stoves, gas fired
  • electric stoves, powered by electricity,
  • charcoal stoves, charcoal-fired or conventional,
  • hybrid or specialized furnaces.

Of course, this division above can be extended to include garden ovens, but generally there is no division principle depending on how the pizza oven is powered.



GP | Wood-fired, gas-fired and electric-powered pizza oven

There are three of the most popular types of pizza ovens. It is a  wood-fired pizza oven powered by gas or electricity.

Each of them has its own drawbacks, and they also have their own advantages. Let's start with wood-burning stoves.

The wood-fired pizza oven are the most popular and sought-after pizza ovens that are used in Italian pizzerias. Basically, the creators of this wonderful dish adopted that pizza should be baked on wood, which gives it crunchiness, flavor and aroma. In Poland, these ovens are becoming more and more popular, although gas and electric pizza ovens are still popular in restaurants and pizzerias.

Wood-fired pizza ovens are very often placed in gardens and outside restaurants and pizzerias. They do not require special building permits, although a good quality chimney and proper ventilation are necessary. Wood is a material quite popular in Poland, therefore their use is economically very beneficial.


The electric pizza oven is the most popular type of pizza oven. For years, they have been used in small, medium and large restaurants as well as perfectly suited to the so-called street food & rdquo ;. It is the easiest stove to assemble and install, requires no chimney or ventilation ducts, only a power supply. Economically, stoves of this type fare the worst compared to gas and wood-fired stoves.


Gas-fired pizza ovens are also popular due to the characteristics of the cuisine in restaurants or typical eateries. Poles are eager to use gas in their kitchens, hence gas is very popular in Poland. Gas pizza ovens are functional and extremely efficient, but it is essential to have a proper gas connection, proper chimney, safety installation, and proper ventilation. Economically, gas is a relatively cheap raw material, hence their use is more profitable than in the case of electric furnaces.


GP | Pizza Oven - The quality and functionality of the oven is important

There is really no difference in the taste of a pizza. However, it is actually the wood-fired pizza ovens that create the amazing flavor of the pizza. However, this type of pizza oven cannot be installed everywhere. For this reason, gas or electric pizza ovens are often installed. As long as they are good quality stoves from proven suppliers, then the way they are powered is not a major problem and is not a huge difference.

See the pizza ovens in GastroProdukt Professional's offer at