Despised by many, considered by others to be an excellent springboard - fast Food. Food usually served to go, subjected to a quick thermal treatment, not very healthy, with a distinctive taste and a lot of sauces and spices. This is how you can define fast food. All over the world people eat and like fast food, and all over the world these foods are very different. It does not change, however, that we are happy to buy them, not only when we don't have time to prepare a meal, but also when we just want to.
GP | Casserole toaster | Fast food in the world, examples and dishes
The world is just as varied from a gastronomic point of view as people are. For years, culinary flavors have wandered across continents just like people do. From Turkey we brought a kebab, from the Western civilization a hamburger and a hot dog, from a country of Arab casseroles and bread, from Asia to baked seafood or sushi. These foods are as varied as the world is, and show that fast food and street food around the world are doing great.
Already today, in almost every country, we can observe numerous festivals and events related to street food, where fast food masters present their skills, serving quick dishes from all over the world or arranging and inventing their own. Róalso in Poland, fast food has a history. The most famous and known in the People's Republic of Poland is the casserole. The oven for casseroles could be found in every dining establishment, and a special casserole maker , often even in private homes. It is a Polish, known and loved by a Pole in fast food, which is already making a place in the world.
GP | Casserole toaster | Casserole – Polish, delicious and nutritious fast food
Zapiekanka fits perfectly into the climate and our eating traditions. Similar dishes have been sold for ages also in Arab countries, but not in the same form as in Poland. A casserole is a roll or baguette that has undergone a heat treatment, on which a variety of ingredients are present. Initially, it was cheese, mushrooms and onion. This was also what the traditional casserole looked like. The whole thing was put in casserole and the result was a warm, tasty and filling dish, ready in 10 minutes.
Today, casseroles have thousands of variations and are as popular as kebabs, hamburgers and hot dogs. Their popularity in Poland results from our dietary traditions. We love bread, we eat it in huge amounts, we are one of the largest cheese producers in the world, we love mushrooms and onions. It all creates a classic casserole, which was already abundant in the times of the Polish People's Republic. The first typically Polish fast food is easy to prepare and tasty. It is sold on the street, because to prepare it, all you need is a casserole maker and a piece of countertop, and an ordinary icebox for storing ingredients.
GP | Casserole toaster | The casserole is perfect for everyone
The success of the classic Polish casserole is due to our national food traditions and preferences. However, casseroles are gaining popularity also in other countries of the world, especially where there are large groups of Poles. An example can be Great Britain or the USA, where Polish ; zapieksy; can be found in larger cities.
Casserole is an ideal meal for everyone, it can be light and veggie, it can be meat, and it can also be mixed. Spicy, mild, delicate, browned and crunchy. Who likes, with and without sauce. Easy to consume in all conditions. We can be proud that we have such tasty and Polish fast food, which, in addition, is not very high in calories and unhealthy. In addition, the casserole will take 10 minutes. All you need is a casserole maker , or a special casserole oven , a handful of ingredients and bread. After a few minutes we have a delicious and filling meal.
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