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Induction Cooker

GastroProdukt Professional Induction Cooker


The induction cooker is the perfect solution for your buffet and other culinary and gastronomic events. The induction cooker is a portable device of a small size, therefore it is a great alternative to cooking workshops. Our cooker is also useful because your gastronomic kitchen lacks additional heating burners. It is easy then to use the induction cooker during peak hours.


Induction Cooker - The heat of a new generation – gastronomic induction cookers

In any professional kitchen, time and a well-designed space are important, allowing for the smooth work of the entire crew. With a limited space at your disposal, it is worth investing in small but extremely effective devices, which are undoubtedly professional induction cookers. Magnetic induction technology is an innovative solution, completely different from electric or gas cookers. Not only does it heat up the pot contents in an instant, it also saves electricity by creating a directed magnetic field. This causes the oven to stay at room temperature and only the bottom of a specially constructed pot or pan heats up.


Induction Cooker - Fast, clean and safe - professional induction cookers

As the induction coil is located behind the glass-ceramic surface and does not heat up, the risk of burning the food is minimized. This makes it easier to keep the gastronomic induction cooker clean. But that's not all! The induction technology also guarantees high safety for users, using the sensors detecting the pot on the surface of the cooker. Additional protection is provided by electronic protection against overheating. Highly aesthetic and ergonomically refined design will work in every kitchen. Our offer on GastroProdukt.pl will include double and single models, equipped with a control panel using knobs or touch technology. The housing is made of durable plastic or stainless steel, making the device resistant to unfavorable conditions and mechanical damage. This guarantees many years of using induction cookers. We cannot fail to mention that besides energy savings, professional induction cookers are almost twice as fast as their electric and gas counterparts. If you appreciate express action in the kitchen facilities, you should definitely consider investing in gastronomic induction cookers from GastroProdukt Professional.


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