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Grill plates

Gas and electric grill plates

Grilling is an art that requires not only masterful skills or high-quality ingredients. Without the right tool, we can only dream of the unique taste of grilled vegetables, meat and fish. Being aware of this dependency, we put our efforts into creating grill plates worthy of even the most demanding chefs in the kitchen. By carefully observing the catering industry, we have gathered information about the needs of chefs, enabling us to produce the most advanced grills on the market. It is thanks to them that grilled dishes will gain maximum taste and aroma, and customers will start to appear more often to experience the culinary delights over and over again. The wide offer on the GastroProdukt.pl website guarantees that you will find the perfect grill plates. This category includes electric and gas grill plates, which can be purchased in smooth, grooved and mixed versions. High-quality grill plates are an inseparable element of all catering facilities, in places where grilled dishes are served.

Grill at the highest level – GastroProdukt Professional

grill plates

Simple to use, even easier to keep clean. It is extremely important that the grill plate is always perfectly clean before use. Only then can we be sure that the grilled food is free of toxic substances and its taste is always the best. That is why the plates are die-cast from special cast iron or stainless steel, which makes it harder for food to stick and does not react chemically even at high temperatures. Regardless of whether we choose gas grills or electric grills, we are sure that its appropriate thickness allows for even distribution and maintaining temperatures. Our offer includes free-standing grill plates with practical panels and adjustable legs, as well as compact table top models. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our experienced customer service advisers.


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