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Garden pizza oven


Garden pizza oven - Italian atmosphere in the garden.

Garden Pizza Oven - Summer, warm eveningóBustle, laughter and friendly conversations mingle with the clink of a glass in the toasts made in As time goes on, the party moves from the house to the garden, and there is already a freshly baked pizza waiting for the reveler. A simple garden pizza oven, prepared in front of the guests by an efficient pizzaiolo, delights with its perfect dough consistency and perfect taste. And it's all thanks to a perfectly matched duo, which are the skills of the cook and  garden pizza oven by GastroProdukt Professional. A wide range of gastronomic products for professionals guarantees that you will find the missing piece of equipment in your kitchen (and garden).



A real garden pizza oven

Garden Pizza Oven - Our garden pizza ovens are characterized by extremely high efficiency combined with extremely low energy consumption. This creates ideal conditions for the baking of delicious pizza, which even Italians will praise. By using high-quality materials for the production of furnaces, such as: fireclay refractory tiles, ceramic fibers and stainless steel, we guarantee long-term, trouble-free operation. Regardless of the preferred source of thermal energy, we offer natural gas-fired furnaces as well as traditionally – wood. For those of you who choose the second version, the base of the stove, which serves as a wood stove, may be helpful. The chambers of our furnaces are made of replaceable refractory plates 3 cm wide. It's thick enough not to worry about losing too much heat. Additionally, there are shelves on the sides of the garden pizza oven to help you prepare this Neapolitan delicacy at your discretion. Our furnaces heat up to operating temperature at an extremely fast pace – it only takes 5 minutes to reach 500 ° C. The temperature can be controlled with an easy-to-read pyrometer that shows the number of degrees Celsius in the combustion chamber. We have designed our garden pizza oven in such a way as to be the most ergonomic and user-friendly appliances, dazzling with modern design. Four wheels provide the ovens with great mobility, and the spacious chamber allows you to bake up to 5 pizzas at the same time (depending on the model). We encourage you to check the wide range of GastroProdukt Professional gastronomic appliances, in which the garden pizza oven is only a preview of our possibilities.



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