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Dough portioner / baller

The devices available in this product category are pure profit – allow you to save time and maintain the highest quality of products.

Porters for pizza dough, ballers

As professionals in the industry, we know very well how important regularity is in gastronomy. That's why our dough ballers divide the mix load of up to 30 kg at a time, doing it error-free every time. The serving size can be adjusted with rings of different diameters. Properly rounded dough will rise faster and its weight will always be the right one. The dough portioners from GastroProdukt Professional are entirely made in Italy, the world homeland of pizza. Dough ballers are machines that will be successfully used wherever not the maximum quality, but also the minimum time is important.



Porters for pizza dough from sunny Italy

Creating a pizza from scratch often takes longer than the customer would like. Branded gastronomic ballasting machines will help to speed up the most time-consuming element of work, which is the preparation of dough with the right weight and consistency. Our dough baller is an extremely efficient equipment. Suffice it to say that by adding it to your assortment, you can expect up to 700 loaves of dough per hour! The chef's task is to prepare a dough with the right properties, and the gastronomic ball GastroProdukt Professional will take care of perfectly divided portions. Made of durable materials guarantees long-term, trouble-free use of our cake portioner . We also facilitate the maintenance of devices by designing them so that they remain clean as long as possible, while at the same time having convenient access to the most demanding cleaning places. We also take care of flawless, or as some prefer – insane design, making our equipment not only extremely functional, but also good looking. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the GastroProdukt.pl offer, where you will find more devices that facilitate work and speed up the process of preparing meals, machines designed for pizzerias. In case of doubts or questions, please contact our Technical Service Department, which provides specialist knowledge and many years of experience in the industry.


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