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Confectionery site

The ability to create extraordinary pastries is only half the battle. To be fully happy, their proper presentation will also be useful. Confectionery sites available on the GastroProdukt.pl website offer a wide range of possibilities in this matter.

Confectionery showcases - A confectionery showcase made in Italy

You can easily choose a confectionery site with us that suits the style of the place and your offer. Adding it to your assortment means the end of worries about aesthetically showing off your baked goods and other delicacies. Thanks to the confectionery showcases produced by GastroProdukt Professional, all products will attract the customer's eye from entering the premises. The extremely wide range of confectionery sites will make everyone find something for themselves. Modern technologies used by confectionery sites give not only a fresh taste to the dishes, but also an exquisite appearance, which will not be missed by the customer.


Pastry site

GastroProdukt – one answer to many sweet needs

Our confectionery display windows have numerous advantages, which not only facilitate everyday use, but also properly present the goods. The bent glass increases the field of view and the assortment is more visible. The adjustable temperature allows you to keep goods that require high temperature, up to 65 degrees Celsius, thanks to which the pizza and dough will look as if they have just left the oven. The technology of ventilated heat will ensure efficient air circulation, which also affects the quality of food.

Adequate insulation is provided by gaskets, and the toughened glass guarantees the strength of the walls made of it. The electric control panel ensures convenient operation of confectionery sites. What else do the products in this category offer? Confectionery display cases, thanks to a wide range of functionalities, even meet the conditions of a mobile pastry shop, cafe or restaurant. High-quality LED lighting guarantees not only the ergonomics of the project, but also excellent visibility of every part of the site, thanks to appropriate lighting. All this makes the confectionery showcases successfully present both cold and hot baked goods.


Confectionery Sites

GastroProdukt confectionery showcase - What do we use a confectionery refrigeration showcase?

The confectionery site can be used for a variety of purposes. It is obvious that the confectionery display cases are perfect for cooling the product at the right temperature. These are cakes, desserts, salads and dairy products. In confectionery sites, we can also store bottled or canned drinks. The refrigerated display case is an ideal device for presenting products in a very attractive way. The GastroProdukt Professional offer includes various models of confectionery display cases in terms of size and design.


Refrigerated Confectionery Display - What kind of confectionery display should your restaurant have?

The confectionery shop is used in various hotel and restaurant facilities, which proves that confectionery shop windows are very versatile devices. A sensational example in this case is a cooling confectionery display for cakes.
We can observe such sites in confectioneries, cafes and bakeries. They are also suitable for presenting cakes or other cold food products. If you run a food court with sandwiches, sandwich shop, the refrigerated display case is perfect for your sales needs.
GastroProdukt Professional confectionery counter - Characteristics of the features and properties of the confectionery shop?

Confectionery counters, which we present at GastroProdukt Professional, are available in various configurations, i.e. straight glass or effectively curved glass. Confectionery refrigerated display cabinets can operate at various temperatures, and their exact range depends on the selected device model. The Ladach average temperature range is between 0 ℃ - 12 ℃.

We present the basic features of GastroProdukt confectionery counters:

 digital temperature controller
static cooling,
& nbsp; LED lighting,
& nbsp; stainless steel case with natural wood,
& nbsp; nóadjustable legs.


Cold confectionery site

Confectionery Storefront - What You Need To Know When Buying A Refrigerated Display Site?

When buying a confectionery shop, you should take into account various factors, the most important of which are the needs you need for your premises. If we are looking for a refrigerated display case for the presentation of cold meats or food products? A typical refrigerated store counter will be perfect in this case. On the other hand, for the presentation of cakes and pies, confectionery sites are dedicated specially designed to present this type of products.


Confectionery display case - How do we clean refrigerated display cabinets?

As with all catering equipment, GastroProdukt refrigerated display cabinets must be regularly cleaned. We use standard glass detergents and a damp cloth to clean the display windows.


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