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Central box hood with a fan

Clean air over the island? Central box hood with fan

Prevention is always better than healing and repairing the glass. Also entrepreneurs who invest in proven solutions in order to avoid problems are also aware of this. The worst enemies in the kitchen are grease and dirt, which are difficult to get rid of once they settle on the surfaces of catering appliances and furniture. Not only the equipment suffers from neglect and half-measures, but most of all the kitchen staff, who is exposed to loss of health caused by high temperature, humidity and inhalation of fumes during work. Central box hoods with a fan are the perfect solution for island kitchens. When the center of the back room is occupied by the gastronomic kitchen, be sure to place a central box hood with a fan above it, and everyone will breathe a sigh of relief. Back office staff, customers, and waiters, tired of receiving comments about the whole range of aromas coming from the kitchen, without air exchange.

Solid and efficient central box hoods with a fan

If you invest, then only in proven and reliable equipment, exactly matching our needs. Central box hood with a fan are made of extremely durable stainless steel, ideal for gastronomy. This material is resistant to high temperatures, mechanical damage, acids and fats. The use of stainless steel makes it easier to keep the hoods clean and ensures trouble-free operation for many years. A decade of experience, symbolized by the GastroProdukt Professional logo, is a guarantee of top-class equipment. Choosing the right central hood is not an easy task, so it is worth mentioning the opinion of an expert from the customer service department and a ventilation designer. If you have any questions related to the professional equipment of catering facilities, please contact our hotline. With GastroProdukt.pl, everyone can take care of their kitchen in the best way and not waste the entire wallet.


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