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Thermosystem bain-maries

The essence of every kitchen is the satisfaction of the taste buds of the customers. However, there are places where something more matters – sensation, movement of the senses, the feeling that the moment of consumption is a moment that could last forever! It is for such unique experiences that the best restaurants are created. However, in order to be able to give people a taste of ecstasy, you need not only a talented crew in the kitchen, but above all the highest quality kitchen equipment. This is an area in which at GastroProdukt Professional we know like no other. We are proud to offer you a complete gastronomic set, including reliable Thermosystem bain-marie . In this category you can find bain maries made of high-grade stainless steel that are used for heating and keeping the temperature constant for many hours.

Lots of possibilities in a small form

Bemary Thermosystem will find their place wherever soups, sauces, curries and similar dishes are served, with a liquid state of matter. It is an inseparable equipment of hotels, restaurants, dining tables and hospitals. Bain maries are devices that work from dawn to dusk for many years. These are extremely energy-efficient machines, made of components and materials in the highest quality, which guarantee trouble-free operation. We offer Thermosystem bain-maries in various capacitive and quantitative variations. In the multi-insert version, these devices allow the simultaneous, varied heating of many dishes, because each container is controlled by a separate knob. This is a big saving, both in space and money. It is worth mentioning the eye-pleasing and functional design. Bemary Thermosystem are famous for their combination of ergonomics and aesthetics. As the long and wide catering industry, devices of this type are an example of the most useful equipment. They are extremely easy to use, even easier to clean, and they match the decor of any catering facility.


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Okap gastronomiczny to profesjonalny sprzęt, przystosowany do pracy w wymagających warunkach. Pomaga pozbyć się oparów oraz nieprzyjemnych zapachów, ułatwiając pracę w kuchni.…
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Jak wybrać sprzęt do lokalu z kebabem?

Kebab jest jednym z najpopularniejszych fastfoodów w Polsce. Do przygotowania tego wschodniego przysmaku potrzebny jest specjalistyczny sprzęt. Jeśli ma być wydajny…
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Na co zwrócić uwagę przy wyborze mebli do kuchni gastronomicznej?

Ważnym wyposażeniem kuchni są nie tylko urządzenia, takie jak piece czy chłodziarki. Odpowiednie warunki pracy w dużej mierze można stworzyć z pomocą odpowiednich stołów i szaf,…
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