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Adjustable bain maries

Adjustable Bain maries

Adjustable bain maries are devices that allow you to maintain a constant temperature of dishes up to 95 ° C, throughout the entire time of the kitchen or buffet operation. Their constant work means that it is not necessary to heat each portion separately, which would not only generate a high demand for electricity, but also distort the taste of the dish. The products in this category differ from other bain maries in their small size and the possibility of being placed on countertops, in shelves or other flat surfaces. All adjustable bain maries in our offer are compatible with GN containers. Some models have the option of heating each container with a heater of a different temperature. Some models are heated on the entire surface, which is the most convenient solution in most cases.

Adjustable bain-marie - a hot investment for years

Each component of adjustable bain maries confirms the utmost care for details, which characterize GastroProdukt Professional appliances. For their production, we use stainless steel resistant to all kinds of mechanical damage, such as dents or scratches. This material is neutral to food, and therefore more and more often used in professional restaurants. Stainless steel reduces the risk of corrosion and absorption of any corrosive substances in the form of detergents. Bain maries are devices designed for continuous operation for many years, durable and reliable, which is confirmed by practitioners in the gastro industry. The operation of our devices is not the slightest problem, even for those uninitiated in the arcane of culinary art. Gastronomic bain maries are equipped with a switch or switches and a temperature control knob. These are machines that are uncomplicated also in maintenance and cleaning, so they can always look aesthetically pleasing and hygienic. It is the basis of every catering company, hospital, dining room and facility where the quality of the meal is valued. We encourage you to contact our specialists from the Customer Service Department, who will be happy to provide professional answers to all your questions and help you choose a model suitable for your specific business needs.


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